Academic Journal Publications (Including Accepted Work)

  1. Moved to Opportunity: The Long-Run Effects of Public Housing Demolition on Children. American Economic Review. October 2018. Publication Link.

    Press Coverage: New York Times, Marginal Revolution, The Atlantic: Citylab, The American Prospect, Slate, Mother Jones, Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity, AEA Research Highlights

    Previous Version: 2016 Working Paper Draft (Longer)

  2. Housing Voucher Take-Up and Labor Market Impacts (with Josh Hyman and Max Kapustin). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Winter 2019. Publication Link.

  3. Advertising and Environmental Stewardship: Evidence from the BP Oil Spill (with Lint Barrage and Justine Hastings). American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. February 2020. Publication Link.

    Press Coverage: Harvard Business Review, AEA Research Highlights

    Available as NBER Working Paper #19838.

  4. Peers and Motivation at Work: Evidence from a Firm Experiment in Malawi (with Lasse Brune and Jason Kerwin). Journal of Human Resources. July 2022. Publication Link.

  5. The Returns to Early-life Interventions for Very Low Birth Weight Children (with Samantha Gold and Justine Hastings). Journal of Health Economics. January 2021. Publication Link.

    Press Coverage: Brookings: Hutchins Roundup

    Available as NBER Working Paper #25753.

  6. The Long-Run Effects of School Racial Diversity on Political Identity (with Stephen Billings and Kareem Haggag). American Economic Review: Insights. September 2021. Publication Link.

    Press Coverage: The Washington Post, New York Times, AEA Research Highlights

    Available as NBER Working Paper #27302. Ungated Link to PDF.

  7. Pay Me Later: Savings Constraints and the Demand for Deferred Payments (with Lasse Brune and Jason Kerwin). American Economic Review. July 2021. Publication Link.

    Press Coverage: AEA Research Highlights, VoxDev

    Available as NBER Working Paper #28611.

  8. Neighborhoods Matter: Assessing the Evidence for Place Effects (with Lawrence Katz). Journal of Economic Perspectives. November 2021. Publication Link.

  9. The Causal Impact of Removing Children from Abusive and Neglectful Homes (with Anthony Bald, Justine Hastings and Margarita Machelett). NBER Working Paper #25419. Journal of Political Economy. July 2022. Publication Link.

  10. Moved to Vote: The Long-Run Effects of Neighborhoods on Political Participation (with Kareem Haggag). Review of Economics and Statistics. November 2023. Publication Link.

    Available as NBER Working Paper #26515.

  11. The Great Migration and Educational Opportunity (with Cavit Baran and Bryan Stuart). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. July 2024. Publication Link.

Selected Work in Progress

  1. The Demographic Legacy of the Vietnam War: Evidence from the 1969 Draft Lottery (with Martha Bailey). (Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of Human Resources).

  2. Family- and Place-based Determinants of Early-Life Health (with Na'ama Shenhav). (Conditionally Accepted at the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy).

  3. Examiner and Judge Designs in Economics: A Practitioner's Guide (with Brigham Frandsen and Emily Leslie) (Commissioned by the Journal of Economic Literature)

  4. The Long-Run Effects of Residential Racial Desegregation Programs: Evidence from Gautreaux (with Robert Collinson and Danielle Sandler). (Conditionally Accepted at the Quarterly Journal of Economics).

  5. Equilibrium Effects of Neighborhood Interventions (with Diego Daruich). (Revise and Resubmit at the American Economic Review).

  6. The Effects of Urban Renewal Programs on Gentrification and Inequality (with Milena Almagro and Bryan Stuart).

  7. The Impact of Disadvantaged Peers: Evidence from Resettlement after Public Housing Demolition.

  8. Does Gifted Education Work? (with David Card and Laura Giuliano). (Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of Political Economy).

  9. The Effects of Racial Segregation on Intergenerational Mobility: Evidence from Historical Railroad Placement (with Kareem Haggag and Bryan Stuart). NBER Working Paper #30563.

  10. Who Benefits from Remote Schooling? Self-selection and Match Effects (with Chris Campos and Jesse Bruhn). NBER Working Paper #31542.

  11. Inequality and Racial Backlash: Evidence from the Reconstruction Era and the Freedmen's Bureau (with Kareem Haggag and Bryan Stuart). NBER Working Paper #32314.

Other Academic Publications

  1. The Demographic Effects of Dodging the Vietnam Draft. (with Martha Bailey). American Economic Association: Papers and Proceedings. May 2020.